<span><span>Find your pulse at your wrist (the radial artery) or at your carotid artery in your neck.</span><span>Using your index and middle finger, count the number of beats you feel in 10 seconds. Do not use your thumb since it has a light pulse that can confuse you while counting.</span><span>Multiply the number of beats you count in 10 seconds by six to find the number of beats per minute. You can take your pulse three times, then take the average rate of all three to be super scientific.</span></span>
First stage: This starts with contractions and your cervix dilating and ends when your cervix is fully open. ...
Second stage: This is when you push your baby through the birth canal.
Third stage: This ends with the delivery of the placenta, also called afterbirth.
I’ve been told that tough points in life will only make you stronger and to never give up as there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.