Many feared that communists were infiltrating the country, attempting to destroy the American way of life. As Cold War tensions mounted, the United States became gripped by a Red Scare. in Europe, in Asia, even into outer space.Explanation:
Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a key figure for the Protestant Reformation. He believed indulgences were a sign of the Church's disrespect for Christian faith. The correct answer is D.
The sparker of the Reformation was the publication of his 95 Theses. They criticized the Roman Catholic Church for its luxury and affirmed it had deviated from God's teachings. One of the targets of his critiques was the indulgences.
For Luther people could not be saved by buying indulgences. Salvation should come only by the grace of God.
it superiority
the meaning of the quality or state of being high or higher in quality. : the belief that you are better than other people. : the quality or state of being larger, stronger, etc., than others.