Body insecurity’s
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Body shaming
Independent variable: The diameter of the wooden pins.
Dependent variable: The depth of the pins in the sand.
Control variable: height of 15 cm at which the pins will be thrown, boxes containing 30 kg of sand and weights of 80 grams.
An independent variable is one that does not need the influence of another variable to happen and that, its variation, influences that a measurable result occurs. In this case, as we know that the depth of the wooden pins is measured according to the influence of the diameter of these pins, we can say that the diameter of the wooden pins is the independent variable.
The dependent variable, on the other hand, is one that shows a measurable result through the influence of the independent variable. In this case, we can say that the depth of the wooden pins in the sand is the independent variable.
The control variable, in turn, is the factor that establishes an egalitarian environment in which the research will be established. In this case, the control variable is the height of 15 cm at which the pins will be thrown, the boxes containing 30kg of sand and the weights of 80 grams.
Before you clean and sanitize items in a three-compartment sink, make sure that you clean and sanitize each sink and drain board. There are 5 steps for cleaning and sanitizing in a 3-compartment sink.
Use the sink in the following manner:
In the 1st compartment, wash with a clean detergent solution at or above 110˚F or at the temperature specified by the detergent manufacturer.
In the 2nd compartment, rinse with hot clean water.
In the 3rd compartment, sanitize with a sanitizing solution mixed at a concentration specified on the manufacturer’s label or by immersing in hot water at or above 171˚F for 30 seconds. Test the chemical sanitizer concentration by using an appropriate test kit.
Rinse, scrape, or soak all items before washing them.
2 g per kg
Most research indicates that eating more than 2 g per kg of body weight daily of protein for a long time can cause health problems.
This is really a subjective answer. If given the choice to either give the lung to a six-year old lung cancer patient or the heavy smoker, I would choose the six-year old.
If I had to choose between car crash victim on a lung machine or the heavy smoker, I would choose the car crash victim.
If I had to choose between this heavy smoker and a young smoker that developed lung cancer, I would choose the young smoker and hope that he/she would change his/her habits and quit.
I bet you're starting to see the point I'm making. Hope this helps!