Thanks for the points merry Christmas
Ask a doctor about the supplements. They’ll lead you in the right direction. Sometimes the manufacturers lie.
The items of food handling that is most likely to be vulnerable of hazards is the critical control point. The critical control point is a procedure being applied to be able to prevent hazard to be contaminated to the food and in the same time to promote food safety. One of the methods that falls under critical control point is cooking, it is used to kill microorganisms that could be lurking on the food. The reason why it could be vulnerable of hazards because if it not done correctly, it could still preserve the contaminants, making it dangerous and making the people consume it at risk. Just like in cooking, when it is not done correctly, it will preserve the microorganisms, making the people consume it at risk.
You need to put ice and take profeen and then try not to use it for a bit to maximize the healing
Or Rest. Stop using your toe, lie down, and let your body recover.
Ice. Use ice to numb the pain and reduce swelling. ...
Compression. Wrap your toe, or the entire end of your foot and toes, with an elastic bandage to provide support and keep swelling under control.
This is very true, and it is almost like the fight-or-flight response, where your body gets the adrenaline rushing and that is when you hear about people being able to lift cars and jump from 6-story buildings. It is a natural instinct of survival that we all have inside of us. Hope this helps.