Answer:the ability to be dissolved, especially in water.
Li will have + charge and Cl with - charge.. Positive and negative attract each other forming ionic bond
The cyanide is

A carbon atom has 4 valance electrons and nitrogen has 5. Below is a Lewis-dot-structure of cyanide.
The carbon atom is still one electron short of having a full octet and so it will seize another electron from almost anything, making the cyanide ion negative and whatever it took the electron from it now positive.
Polar Covalent
Chlorine and Fluorine are both halogens. They are in group VII.
The Pauling's electronegativity value of these elements are:
F = 4.0
Cl = 3.0
Electronegativity of an element is a property that combines the ability of its atom to lose and gain electrons. It can be used to predict bond type.
For heteronuclear molecules where the electronegativity difference is between 0.5 and 1.7 there will not be an equal sharing of the electron pair between the atoms involved.
The bond that results is a Polar Covalent bond.
When the electronegativity difference is zero or less than 0.5, a non-polar covalent bond forms. There would be an equal sharing of the electron pair donated.