Combination of one or more columns used to identify particular rows in a relation is a key
net use X: \\SERVER\Share
1. Connect securely to the remote computer or ensure you have access to it on the network
2. then follow the step below:
Where X: is the drive letter you wish to map the share to, and \\SERVER\Share is the UNC path to the share. This should make the share visible in My Computer and the command line as well like all other shares mapped through the GUI.
In order to later disconnect the share, you would use
net use X: /delete
FTP stands for file transfer protocol. FTP is used to transfer files between computers over the Internet. FTP servers can be setup to allow users to access the information anonymously or require registration for access.
Examples are Ctrl, Alt, Fn, Alt Gr, Shift, Caps Lock, Tab, Scroll Lock, Num lock, Esc, Windows Key, Backspace, Enter...
from collections import Counter
def anagram(dictionary, query):
newList =[]
for element in dictionary:
for item in query:
word = 0
count = 0
for i in [x for x in item]:
if i in element:
count += 1
if count == len(item):
ans = list()
for point in Counter(newList).items():
mylist = ['jack', 'run', 'contain', 'reserve','hack','mack', 'cantoneese', 'nurse']
setter = ['ack', 'nur', 'can', 'con', 'reeve', 'serve']
anagram(mylist, setter)
The Counter class is used to create a dictionary that counts the number of anagrams in the created list 'newList' and then the counter is looped through to append the items (tuple of key and value pairs) to the 'ans' list which is printed as output.