El tejido óseo sirve como depósito y fuente de calcio para estas necesidades metabólicas críticas a través del proceso de remodelación ósea. El metabolismo del calcio está regulado en gran parte por el sistema endocrino de la hormona paratiroidea (PTH) -vitamina D, que se caracteriza por una serie de circuitos de retroalimentación homeostática.
They are spindle shaped and have no striations.
Your nose, mouth and eyes are obvious entry points for pathogens. However, tears, mucus and saliva contain an enzyme that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria. Those that are not killed immediately are trapped in mucus and swallowed. Special cells line and protect the nose, throat and other passages within your body. The inner lining of your gut and lungs also produces mucus to trap invading pathogens.
The clavicles are the last bone
I believe it’s c
Because we know that equilibrium is a state of REST or BALANCE due to equal action forces ,so you can conclude that the cells are RESTING and at BALANCE when the cell is staying the same size it’s keeping balance.