You're either talking about Community which means grouping of different organs or population which is the grouping of the same organ
Research participants’ uses occipital lobes when they
are engage in tasks that require the construction of mental image. <span>The location
of occipital lobe is in
the back portion of the brain behind the parietal and temporal lobes that is primarily
responsible for processing visual information. It contains the brain's visual
processing system, which processes images from our eyes and links that
information with images stored in memory or called visual-spatial processing. Other
function includes movement and color recognition.</span>
Answer: The liver and muscles.
Liver and muscles store glucose, in response to insulin hormone, in a form of glycogen for use during starvation period. When glucose is too much in the blood, insulin is secreted by islets cells in the pancreas. Glycogen synthesis is then initiated in liver where it is stored.
Glycogen is a polymer of glucose just like starch in plants. 60% of glucose from glycogen store is used up by the brain as its only source of energy.