This produces increase energy and euphoria and it enhances the feeling of empathy with the distortion of time and it stimulates sexual arousal uncontrolled body movements, restlessness, anxiety, clenched jaws are some of the important symptoms
This drug is commonly used in bars and in parties and it is most common among the young adults and the teenagers and it is called as ecstasy or molly drug
This is often taken in pill form and sometimes in powdered crystal form this is mistakenly considered as safe among the adults but it is very highly dangerous and this masks alcohol consumption
Elevated abdominal pain, Urinary retention, High temperature, headache and blurred vision are some of the symptoms
tend to have smooth edges and resemble a surgical or paper cut. the amount of bleeding depends on the depth, the location and size of wound
Well you dont have any following statements for me to answer, i can say one thing, weight and energy are the same because depending on if you are going to gain or lose weight, loseing weight causes more energy usage out of you and if you are gonna lay off and gain weight, it causes less energy being used out of you, energy depends on the weight
No i do not try someone else cuz i dont no