147.09975 newton meters per second
Traveling against currents usually takes longer. Kinda like walking against the wind, you feel the heaviness against your jacket as you push through it. Where when you walking with the wind, it kind of gives your a push. Same for with currents.
With constant angular acceleration
, the disk achieves an angular velocity
at time
according to

and angular displacement
according to

a. So after 1.00 s, having rotated 21.0 rad, it must have undergone an acceleration of

b. Under constant acceleration, the average angular velocity is equivalent to

are the final and initial angular velocities, respectively. Then

c. After 1.00 s, the disk has instantaneous angular velocity

d. During the next 1.00 s, the disk will start moving with the angular velocity
equal to the one found in part (c). Ignoring the 21.0 rad it had rotated in the first 1.00 s interval, the disk will rotate by angle
according to

which would be equal to