Because it has the ability to get light, photosynthesis would happen. Since it is in an airtight jar, it will use all the CO2 in the jar until all the CO2 is gone and there is only Oxygen left. Photosynthesis's rate will decrease rapidly. After that, the plant will have no more energy since there is no CO2 to allow it to keep with photosynthesis, so it would die off.
Climate change has been described as one of the biggest problems faced by humankind. Carbon dioxide is is the primary driver of global warming. Prof Joanna Haigh from Imperial College London explains why this gas has played a crucial role in shaping the Earth's climate.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been present in the atmosphere since the Earth condensed from a ball of hot gases following its formation from the explosion of a huge star about five billion years ago.
At that time the atmosphere was mainly composed of nitrogen, CO2 and water vapour, which seeped through cracks in the solid surface. A very similar composition emerges from volcanic eruptions today.
As the planet cooled further some of the water vapour condensed out to form oceans and they dissolved a portion of the CO2 but it was still present in the atmosphere in large amounts.
During mitosis the cell splits and becomes two
There is no element with one valence electron and six energy levels. Only two valence electrons and six energy levels.
A: Calcium is a group 2 element with two valence electrons. Therefore, it is very reactive and gives up electrons in chemical reactions. It is likely to react with an element with six valence electrons that “wants” to gain two electrons. This would be an element in group 6, such as oxygen.