A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals
called mutagens, or infection by viruses. Germ line mutations occur in the eggs and sperm and can be passed on to offspring, while somatic mutations occur in body cells and are not passed on.
Mutation has been the source of many Hollywood movies, but it's really a simple process of a mistake made in a DNA sequence as it's being copied. Some of that's just the background noise that DNA copying is not perfect, and we should be glad of that or evolution couldn't operate. But mutation can also be induced by things like radiation or carcinogens in a way that can increase the risk of cancers or birth defects. But it's pretty simple; it's basically an induced misspelling of the DNA sequence.
That's a mutation.
When a variant alters a protein that plays a critical role in the body, it can disrupt normal development or cause a health condition. A condition caused by variants in one or more genes is called a genetic disorder. In some cases, gene variants are so severe that they prevent an embryo from surviving until birth.
Pectinate muscles are parallel ridges in the walls of the atria of the heart. The name is due to their resemblance to the teeth of a comb (pecten). The heart is the organ pumps blood to all parts of the body. It is made up of four chambers, that is, right and left ventricles, left and right atria, and the blood vessels, Pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, aorta, and venacava. An auricles are pouch like structure that increase the total filling capacity of the atrium and also increase the volume of blood that an atrium is able to contain.
<span>The san Andreas fault
Exercise is very vital to the body,it a form of physical activity.the sole aim of excercise is to maintain stamina, flexibility,keep fit and be overly healthy and well.
When we excercise, our heart rate increases and then it returns to the normal rate when with rest,when we take a break.there is reflection of vasoconstriction in the fingers as the blood is shunted to only the exercising muscles because it is noted that the pulse amplitude of the heart is always small after excercise and and increases slowly during recovery.
The amount of blood the heart pumps in a minute,that is the amount of blood ejected by the contraction of the left ventricle into systemic circulation increases when we are exercising and resistance to blood flow by skeletal muscles decreases.the blood vessels will try to adapt to the condition (exercise) inorder to control blood flow and as well meet energy demands.
When we finish exercising,our body temperature increases which will inturn cause increase in the pulse rate and the blood in our body makes way to our skin,hands and legs inorder to clear off the energy that was generated by the body(muscles) during exercise