Plateau because of the fresh water I think
Has not developed an understanding of the cues to performance of these pragmatic skills.
In this context, Understanding cues to performance refers to humans' ability to observe the situation around us, and deliver the most appropriate technique that help us benefit from the situation.
From the excerpt, we know that John has a very good pragmatic skills in general. But this test is most likely taken under a structured situation that does not represent the actual real life. So, when John actually encountered it in his social life, he does not understand when is the proper time to actually use the skill.
Company Owned/Business Only (COBO)
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the deployment model that is being described is called COBO or Company Owned/Business Only. This is a business model that largely surfaced when mobile devices started taking off. This business model supplies workers with company owned devices and restricts the hardware for business use only.
The correct answers are : Hippocampus / Consolidating
The part of the brain that was affected helps to consolidate the information from short-term memory to long-term memory. It also enables navigation and the sense of space. He's having trouble because the regulation of motivation, emotion, and learning is compromised