One must begin with a sense of the richness and variety of traditional Vietnamese religion. Time was when the Vietnamese believed they inhabited a world alive with gods and spirits. Little distinction was made between the worlds of the living and the dead, between the human, the vegetable, the animal, and the mineral realms. If fate smiled upon one, nature, too, would be kind; but if one was cursed by fate, then even the elements would be hostile. The stones, the mountains, the trees, the streams and the rivers, and even the very air were full of these deities, ghosts and spirits. Some were benevolent, some were malicious; all had to be conciliated through ritual offerings and appropriate behavior.
So life was regulated by a vast array of beliefs and practices, taboos and injunctions, all designed to leash in these powers that held sway over human life. How much and in what way religion guided one's daily conduct depended on one's background. Confucian scholars, who prided themselves for their rationality, often scoffed at what they considered the superstitious nature of peasant religion. But they, too, were ruled by religious ideas. Different occupational groups had their own beliefs and practices. Fishermen, who pursued a much more hazardous livelihood than the peasants, were notorious for the variety and richness of their taboos. Some beliefs were shared by all Vietnamese. Others were adhered to only in one region or a small locality. Some were so deeply embedded in the culture as to be considered a part of tradition, holding sway over believers and non-believers alike.
displays of power
A little bit of context for that mockery:
The founding fathers did not want United States turn into monarchy like Britain. They despise the idea of having one king who has absolute power in a country. This was the reason way they use democracy as our system of Democracy.
During his presidency, Andrew Jackson has the reputation of acting like the arrogant nobles in British Monarchy. He was bad at taking criticism and demanded the people around him to treat him with 'Respect'.
This was the reason why the people mockingly referred to him as “King Andrew the First”
mix borax solution with batch of glue together with Ryan
it is more prestigious to be a senator
the senate is an elite club of 100 and the house is a much larger club of 435.
B. An increase in knowledge as well as written books