Nucleotide is the polymer for a Nucleic Acid.
Clown fish and sea anemones.
B/ Because the electrolyte rich baths were infused with in consistent amount of Ach.
Why B? Because the electrolyte rich baths were infused with in consistent amount of Ach. Used concentrations * Ach used, thus we get double the result.
Not A: Because the control need to be used.
Not C: Because autoimmune antibodies are transported to every tissue of body including skeletal muscle.
Not D: Mice and other rodents are often used as animal models.
The muscles of the eye cover a greater number and in turn carry out greater fine motor skills.
Alpha motor neurons are neurons that invent the skeletal muscle, that is, striated, so that through the motor plate that is the unit that unites them, an action potential is transmitted that contracts the sarcomeros of the elastic fibers and the z lines. come closer, each eye movement is much more precise than the locomotion of the lower limb, which carries greater innervation in each muscle bundle due to the specificity of the movement, this is how more alpha motor neurons are required to mobilize the eye than a leg.