C) Gives a player an advantage
I don't know the context of the question, but it makes the most sense.
If you are on a desktop computer you can press the top row key "F3" and a little box will pop up and you can type the word you are looking for in there and it will find that word on the page you are on and take you straight to it.
c. nbtstat -a
Nbtstat is a TCP/IP utility which is used to display the current connections and statistics of TCP/IP using NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT).
It is installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows when the TCP/IP protocol stack is installed.
Also, it is very useful when we want to troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.
One can run nbtstat -a < ComputerName > to obtain the local NetBIOS name table on <ComputerName> and its MAC address
Constructive criticism is a comment that cuts down on someone, but in an influencing way.
Example: Let's ask him to be more careful the next time he buys fish.
You should select the text by clicking and holding the mouse at the beginning of the text and then dragging it to the end of the area you want to change. You can also use the arrow keys and hold shift, but this takes longer typically.