A country formally helping another country for a military or other purpose
friend, helper, etc
as we know the atomic bomb is known for ending a war but wich war?, well if we rember who helped create it (albert einstien)he was alive during wold war 2 but not by the cold war, he might of ben alive during ww1 but as a child or baby perhaps the only war were he could the atom bom is in ww2. please make me brainleast
Yes the New Economic Policy allowed government to tax peasants on a given percentage of their produce.
the Bolshevik government adopted this policy. It was the economic policy of the Soviet Union from 1921 to 1928.
Peasants were allowed to own and cultivate lands while paying taxes to the state. In the NEP, agriculture, retail trade, and small-scale light industry were returned to private ownership and management while the state retained control of heavy industry, transport, banking, and foreign trade.
from 1928-1929 there were grain shortages, Joseph Stalin forcibly eliminated private control of land and returned it to government control.