Example of genetic drift
a population of rabbits with alleles B and b, both alleles are present in equal frequencies p = 0.5 and q = 0.5 if 10 parents reproduce the probability of having an offspring with alleles B or b is 0.5; however, by chance, a slight difference in the offspring allele frequency might occur due ...
Among the non-mammalian vertebrates, the cloaca is an anatomical structure that function as a shared pathway for the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. Cloaca in vertebrates, common chamber and outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open. It is present in amphibians, reptiles, birds, elasmobranch fishes, and monotremes. Cloaca is not present in placental mammals or in most bony fish.
This is referred to as: spontaneous recovery
Spontaneous recovery is a theory of learning and memory which involves unexpected and recurrence of a conditioned response after a period of reduced response or delay. Spontaneous recovery is associated with classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Extinction will happen quickly after a spontaneous recovery, if the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is not connected.
I believe the answer is fish vertebrates. i hope this helped
If that is a picture of DNA, then nucleic acids are the most common macromolecule