O blood is a recessive trait, so none of the children will have O blood. The genes for either type A or Type B will be determined by the egg/sperm being fertilized with the reproductive cell of the other parent. the probability of receiving either of the gene versions is 1/2, so half of the children will have A blood and the other half will have B blood
Answer; (not correctly matched)
Apocrine gland; Thermoregulation;
Apocrine glands are found in the skin and the eyelids.
Most apocrine glands in the skin are in the armpits, the groin, and the area around the nipples of the breast.
They are scent glands, and their secretions usually have a odor. They empty into the hair follicle just before they open onto the skin surface.
Scientists mostly gain new knowledge through direct observation and applying the scientific method. They would start with a hypothesis and test it, then change it or confirm it. Others would test their confirmation from one point, while the third group would test what the second said. And so on and so forth.