there are no statements to choose from.
The answer would be that stress rises from both the occurrences and our cognitive appraisal of them. Cognitive appraisal means that it is the personal understanding of a condition that eventually influences the degree to which the situation is professed as stressful.
Here are some of their achievements:
- theory of radioactivity
-discovery of a new element, polonium
-discovery of another element, radium
- developing new ways of separating radioactive isotopes
-discovery of nuclear energy ( by Pierre and one of his students)
(a)-classical conditioning
Classical Conditioning: Classical conditioning is widely used in psychology.
The term is given by a Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov after he demonstrated his experiment on dogs. He believed that any behavior is being learned through the frequent or repetitive association between the stimulus and the response. It stresses that learning can be produced through the environment.
Ivan Pavlov defines classical conditioning as a form of learning in which a conditioned stimulus gets associated with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a desirable conditioned response which was a neutral stimulus at earliest.
Components of Classical Conditioning:
1. Unconditioned stimulus or US.
2. Unconditioned response or UR.
3. Conditioned stimulus or UR.
4. Conditioned response or CR.