No, it is not the best, free enterprice is the best. with democracy we get told what to do, we dont get gun rights, and we cant start our own businesses without special grants and what not, however, its the opposit with free enterprise.
Over the next five centuries the economy would at first grow and then suffer an acute crisis, resulting in significant political and economic change. Despite economic dislocation in urban and extraction economies, including shifts in the holders of wealth and the location of these economies, the economic output of towns and mines developed and intensified over the period.[2] By the end of the period, England had a weak government, by later standards, overseeing an economy dominated by rented farms controlled by gentry, and a thriving community of indigenous English merchants and corporations.[3]
Marco Polo was the trader that traveled from Venice, Italy to China and brought back information about Asia. Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler. His father was the person from whom he learned the ways of mercantile trade. He did travel to China but he was not the first person. he made a detailed description in his books.
Norms enforce their values and beliefs onto people.