it will improve the community because when everyone is healthy everyone will feel better and when you feel good you have a positive attitude and will want to help others feel the same way
Answer:C) Minimal but discernible increase in size over the past 6 months.
Irrespective of the presence and length of a lesion, any discernible alteration in size or other characteristics (such as color or regularity of borders) requires further evaluation. Since its start, no change in size but moderate sporadic pruritus over the last 2 years is wrong. While any skin lesion may develop into malignancy, a long-standing, essentially unchanged lesion carries a very low probability of malignancy. Since the beginning no evolution in size but uniformly darkly pigmented color is wrong. Although dark lesions are sometimes of concern, lesions should be assessed specifically for color variation, in particular blue and black mixed with white and red(Which represents inflammatory processes and melanoma scarring characteristics). It is wrong to have identical pink tan lesions in the exposed areas of the skin, including the face and hands. In general, skin cancer is characterized by an initial focus of malignancy with distal metastases on organs other than the skin; multiple similar skin findings that do not meet the criteria in the mnemonic ABCDE‐EFG (Asymmetry, Border Irregularity, Color Variations, Diameter > 6 mm, Evolving, Elevated, Solid, Growing) are more likely to be benign. The proximal position is incorrect, that is to say, over the bicep rather than the distal limb. Proximal or distal location has no effect on the risk of malignancy.
A patient with coronary artery disease (CAD) necessitates to have a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) if there’s too much plaque insider a patient’s coronary arteries. This is the case if the coronary heart disease is severe wherein too much plaque inside arteries prevents blood flow which can lead to heart attack. During CABG, a healthy artery is connected to a blocked artery to create a new pathway for blood to flow to the heart.
The answer is neglect (maybe?? It kinda sounds like it)
I'm not sure if it's normal but it happens to me