If it is nothing like the original is it C, If it uses some parts of the original and does not give credit is it B, If it uses word for word and doesn't give credit it is A ......the key part is to give credit. If it uses part of or all the original and does not give credit it is plagiarism.
Public Works department sees that the streets are clean and in good repair
Public works department issues permits to construct, build county sidewalks and pavements. It also issues allowance for keeping banners tree planting removal, landscaping and it also takes care of the network of roads in the county and drainage system.
It is the only department which has a multi-dimensional perception in economics and politics. This department existed in the ancient past too.
It also takes care of the infra-structure of the state. Government invests a huge amount on the public sectors when there is lack of benefit from the private sector.
15th Amendment: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
This should give you the idea I hope this helps :)