Meanings of the numbers:
Most numbers represent an amount. Positive numbers represent above zero. Zero is the only number that does not represent an amount. It means nothing. When you go lower than nothing, you are in the negative numbers. Negative numbers represent absent values pretty much.
How I would use them in every day life:
I would use positive numbers to represent... maybe something I'm trying to get at a store. Ex: 4 bananas
I would use negative numbers to... maybe look at the temperature. Ex: -16 degrees Fahrenheit. Negative numbers are in temperature all the time.
Hope this helps! (^-^)
So if the bag contains half as many red marbles as blue ones, and there are 8 reds then there are 16 blues. 16 + 8= 24 if you want there to be 1/4 white marbles add 6. 6/30 is 1/4.
So the answer comes out to be 30 marbles in the bag
so translation means that the points are moving on the graph
so the shape is moving down three then left two
it doesn’t change the shape in any way it just moves the shape
so all the sides and angles are the same
so the polygon is completely congruent with the premise and image since the shape didn’t change
Step-by-step explanation:
i mean 9 x n = 9n. straight forward...