It is called mimicry when a living thing copies the appearance of another living thing as a means of protection.
Mimicry is used primarily by living things as a means for protection and to decrease the chances of the living thing being killed. For example, a frog that is prey to a toad could have bright colors (bright color frogs are often poisonous) that don't mean anything to the frog and it's species, but to the toad, the frog is poisonous and should not be eaten, so the toad does not eat the frog because it is brightly colored.
Without mimicry, the frog would have been eaten because it wouldn't have had looked like a poisonous frog, or something that the toad would avoid.
Agricultural revolution, start of Neolithic era, maybe 12000 yrs ago
The two basic reaction types are synthesis and decomposition. ... Decomposition reactions are the opposite of synthesis reactions because they take apart larger molecules and/or compounds. The generic equation for a synthesis reaction is A + B à AB, where A and B are the pieces that make up the compound/molecule AB.
Ore is the answer as is contains large amounts of useful elements
Answer: Option C
A biological species can be defined as the concept which includes the group of individual which lives in one or more population that can reproduce among each other to produce viable species.
Speciation is the phenomenon by which one group of species gets separated from another. The species gets diverge due to reproductive isolation or due to geographical isolation.
Hence, the correct answer is option C