Three of the boxes contain an Upper case F, therefore 75% of the boxes have an Upper case F. It's like quarters, if you have 4 quarters you have 100 cents, if you have 3 you have 75 cents, if you have 2 you have 50 cents, and if you have 1 you have 25 cents.
In wells Scientist measure dissolved oxygen, or DO (pronounced dee-oh).
Leaf that are really green, because they contain Lots of chlorophyll in the chloroplast which is the main site for photosynthesis
Chief cells in the parathyroid gland synthesize and release parathyroid hormone.
Parathyroid gland contains two types of cells- Chief cells and Oxyphil cells.
The chief cells in the parathyroid gland synthesize and release parathyroid hormone.
The function of the parathyroid hormone is to regulate the level of calcium in the blood. They do this by increasing the calcium levels when they are too low.
One dominant and one recessive