The answer is infatuation. It means an intense strong feelings.
to help voters understand public policy
The correct answer to this question is C.
Vegans have difficulty in obtaining adequate amounts of vitamin b 12 in the diet because vitamin b 12 could be found or obtained from meat consumptions and are only less in vegetables. That is why they find it difficult to obtain for they don't consume meat which is where vitamin b 12 could be obtained. Vitamin b 12 is essential in the body for it is important in the brain, as well as the nervous system.
Drinking alcohol while you are underage can lead to jail and is dangerous when you are young
Smoking is very addictive and can result in lung cancer
Experimenting with drugs can be deadly
Being encouraged to fight someone can lead to an assault charge
Stealing something on a dare can lead to imprisonment or a fine or both
Having sexual relations before you are ready or before you want to can lead to pregnancy and STDs