Yes, fat can work as mechanical defence, and can protect your internal organs.
The answer to your question is B. stressor.
A stressor is an event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind.
The lump is round and movable.
Lumps can occur in the left or right breast, or in both breasts. A breast lump may appear near the surface of the skin, deeper inside the breast tissue, or closer to the armpit area.
Fibrocystic breast disease, commonly called fibrocystic breasts or fibrocystic change, is a benign (noncancerous) condition in which the breasts feel lumpy. Fibrocystic breasts aren’t harmful or dangerous, but may be bothersome or uncomfortable for some women.
The lumps in fibrocystic breasts tend to fluctuate in size throughout the month and are usually movable. But sometimes if there’s a lot of fibrous tissue, the lumps may be more fixed in one place.
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