A proxy war by definition is "A war instigated by a major power but itself does not get involved" I know the U.S got involved in Korea. Vietnam and had to help the British keep control during the Greek civil war so I'd go with Afghanistan since the U.S only supplied insurgent groups with weaponry and did not challenge the USSR openly.
The correct answer is the information in the middle of the chapter.
This is because the primacy effect refers to something that you've read first, and the recency effect refers to something that you've read last. So the information you got at the beginning and at the end of a chapter will stick with you, whereas you are more likely to forget what happened in the middle.
There are many benefits of working while at school, and they all include increasing your employability afterwards. This means that working while at school will help you to expand your contacts and references and it will help you gain new skills - so the correct answer is "all of the above".