From superior to inferior;
1) Femoral
3) Popliteal
5) Calcaneal
1) Pertaining to the thigh is the femoral region. The femoral region derives its name from the femur which is a long bone present in the thigh region. The head of the femur articulates proximally with the hip bone at the hip joint or acetabulofemoral joint. The distal end of the femur articulates at the knee joint. The femoral region also has several other structures like the hamstring muscles and the femoral artery.
2) Pertaining to the calf is the sural body region. The calf the region behind the leg. It has several structures like the tibia and fibula bones and the gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris muscles.
3) Pertaining to the heel is the calcaneal body region. The calcaneus is a big bone located in the posterior part of the foot. It is also called the heel bone. A major attachment to it is the Achilles tendon.
4) Pertaining to the back of the knee is the popliteal body region. The popliteal region is like a cavity made by surrounding muscles of the thigh and calf. It contains the popliteal artery and veins and several nerves running through it.
5) Pertaining to the ankle is the tarsal body region. The tarsal region contains tarsal bones which articulate with each other.