This was German sociologist, Max Weber, often noted as one of the three founders of Sociology, he made associations between religious belief and economic growth.
Option 'b' = higher status partners
There is this popular saying concerning magnet in science which states that; ''like poles repels, unlike poles attract''. This law can be likened to women preference and taste in men which is somehow different from what men wants in women.
Men will surely prefer the third option, that is option 'c'( that is,more physically attractive partners). Men are moved mostly by what they see.
For most Women, the second option, that is option 'b'( that is, higher status partner). There is this popular thought that goes around that women love money more than men. This is one of the case. Women tends to choose a male as their partner that has higher status that can 'spoil' them with everything they need.
Because it has always been located at the center of a major trading nexus of international commerce. There is also the fact the it is located in a tropical and very fertile region that produces not only rare agricultural products but also major crops that are instrumental for industrial development
.Additionally, it is home to a large population of cheap, efficient labor and corporations love that.