Examples of mechanical weathering include frost and salt wedging, unloading and exfoliation, water and wind abrasion, impacts and collisions, and biological actions. All of these processes break rocks into smaller pieces without changing the physical composition of the rock.
Mechanical weathering involves mechanical processes that break up a rock: for example, ice freezing and expanding in cracks in the rock; tree roots growing in similar cracks; expansion and contraction of rock in areas with high daytime and low nighttime temperatures; cracking of rocks in forest fires, and so forth.
A blood hemoglobin measurement of 13.5 g/100 ml would be a normal level of measurement.
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen. How much hemoglobin is in your blood is determined by the haemoglobin test? The most significant part of red blood cells is hemoglobin. It is made up of heme, a protein that binds oxygen. Adults typically achieve a range of outcomes, but in general: Male: 138–172 grams per liter (g/L) or 13.8–17.2 grams per deciliter (g/dL). Women: 121–151 g/L or 12.1–15.1 g/dL. The nominal level of measurement is the first measurement level. The variables' numbers are only used to categorize the data at this level of measurement. Words, characters, and alphanumeric symbols can all be employed at this level of measurement.
Learn more about Hemoglobin here:
Triglycerides, from what I remember.
Cell membranes are selectively permeable. Some solutes cross the membrane freely, some cross with assistance, and others do not cross at all. A few lipophilic substances move freely across the cell membrane by passive diffusion. ... Large molecules do not cross intact cell membranes, except in certain special cases.
an organism with nutritional requirements