Many people didn't like his treaty and thought that he was a traitor. He was very unpopular.
Answer:d. the defeat of the Persians in 480 BCE.
Explanation:The Early Classical period, also called the Period of Transition, lasted from c. 480-450 BCE. [1] It was the transitional period between the Archaic period and the High Classical period. Throughout the Classical period, the Greeks were interested in humanism, rationalism, and idealism.
Battle of Thermopylae, (480 bce), battle in central Greece at the mountain pass of Thermopylae during the Persian Wars. The Greek forces, mostly Spartan, were led by Leonidas. ... Sending the main army in retreat, Leonidas and a small contingent remained behind to resist the advance and were defeated.
) The tradition of love and courtship followed by medieval noblesCourtly love was a medieval concept of love which emphasized nobility and chivalry. Although not limited to this class, it began as a concept among knights and the land-owning class, and involved men going to great lengths to charm and earn the favor of a deserving woman.