Hot countries so they will be warm
a. Know each other better
A team refers to a group of people or set of individuals possessing various skill set, knowledge and experience coming together to work on a project or task in order to successfully achieve a set goal and objective.
This ultimately implies that, a team comprises of individuals, workers or employees having complementary skills, knowledge and experience needed to execute a project or task successfully. Therefore, a worker that is working in a team is usually privileged to interact with the other members of the team and as a result, this enhances performance and strengthen the level of relationship they share.
Hence, teams have better communication than other workers because they get to know each other better in the course of brainstorming, interaction and sharing of ideas while trying to accomplish a common goal or execute a project (task).
Price / Earning ratio = 10
the P/E ratio will be determinate as follow:

Thus, the P/E will be 500/50 = 10
the price earning ratio stand for the amount of time required to payback the investment. In this case, 10 years as the market value is 500 dollars and eahc year the share earn 50 dollars
The whole Volkswagen scandal was a huge and elaborate corporate scam. They first tried to blame engineers in their North American division, but then it was known that they cheated in Germany and other European countries, as well as in factories in Argentina and Brazil. The only place that they were not investigated was in China, and that is very suspicious because half of their cars are produced and sold in China. It was a huge cover up operation that was aimed at protecting top executives in Germany.
The first car I bought with my salary was a Jetta (it was much cheaper than a Civic). So I read a lot about the scandal and its effects were not that large in North and South America, but in Europe the allegedly clean diesel engines drove their competition out of the market. French car manufacturers Citroen and Peugeot competed against Volkswagen with diesel cars and after not being able to compete against the wonderful new engines, they went bankrupt. In Europe gas is very expensive, so cars are very small and fuel efficient. The strange coincidence is that a Chinese company bought Citroen and Peugeot, which made them the real winners of the whole situation.