Answer: 1. The child develops empathy for his mother, is aware that his stuffed animal makes him feel good, knows that his mother is not well and gives it to him so that he is better.
2. Johnny doesn´t have a definite concept of sizes, he only knows about units, that´s why his brother manages to "rip him off".
3. Sally requires a repetition and practice process, going back to her roller skating training, avoid to focus on their fears.
Phratry is an unilineal descent kinship group composed of at least two clans that supposedly share a common ancestry
More about phratry:
The Greek word for "phratry" means "his brother." Around the second century BC, at the beginning of the human era, there was a divide of Greek tribes known as the Phratry. Their relationship was one of brotherhood and shared kinship. People from the same caste, for instance, could fall into this group under the current circumstances.
Phratry supremacy was observed during the Dark Ages, but it declined in importance during the Classical era. Due to this age, other influential groups, such as political parties and churches, are forming. Political party supremacy is still evident everywhere today.
Learn more about kinship here:
The US House of Representatives has 435 members (it's the senate that has 100 members), so we only consider the options that mention this:
a) 435 members and is considered more likely to represent local constituent interests.
b) 435 members and is considered more stable and immune to passing popular whims.
The better answer is a) since the representatives represent their states - so they're more likely to represent their local interests to gain a favour with their voters.
It is safe to say that as Madison was the "father" of the Constitution and Washington the "father of the powers of the Presidency," Marshall was the "father of the Supreme Court," almost single-handedly clarifying its powers.