Answer: ok i understand the 2 x2
The correct option is A.
The DNA from one specie differ from the DNA of another specie on the basis of their base ratio. The base ratio refers to the percentage of purine to pyrimidine in a DNA molecule. The base ratio is the one that is responsible for the variability that is observed in chromosomes from different species.
Explanation:First of all skin color is determined by how much melanin you have and the one thing that would show more variability in the human population is probably the one that uses less genes, because of how we come from only two genes which makes us different.
<h2>Nutrient density</h2>
- Nutrition is molecules in food that all living beings need to cause vitality, to develop, create, and recreate. Supplements are processed and afterward separated into fundamental parts to be utilized by the creature. There are two fundamental kinds of supplements, macronutrients, and micronutrients. The three fundamental classes of macronutrients incorporate sugar, protein, and fat. The two kinds of micronutrients are nutrients and minerals, and these are additional particles that cells need to make vitality.
- "Nutrient density" signifies the amount you get of a certain something, given the nearness of something different. On account of nutrient density, the "things" you get, the supplements, are dissected in relationship to the amount they "cost" you, regarding calories. Essentially expressed, nutrient density implies what number of supplements you get from nourishment, given the quantity of calories it contains. nutrient density is a simple method to associate supplements with calories. No nourishments are more supplement thick than entire, naturally developed food sources.