B) 90%
In order for an employer to qualify for the maximum credit against FUTA taxes (Federal Unemployment Tax Act), they have to file their annual return in time and also pay their state contributions in time. If they file their report late or miss the state contributions due date, they will be sanctioned by lowering the maximum credit from 5.4% to 4.86% (90% of maximum credit).
Supply of oil at different prices of other goods.
The principal purpose of building a business is to make profits. A business must provide solutions to particular needs and wants in the community to attract customers. Different entrepreneurs will offer alternative or similar solutions to a specific situation.
Anyone starting a business will target a particular set of customers. He or she must be ready to complete for those customers with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Competition is good in business as it makes entrepreneurs innovate on the best ways to serve their customers. It also gives customers alternatives.
d. a matter of establishing relationships.
Selling involves creating a relationship with the prospect.
The sales relationship has the short-term value you get from the customer.
There is also the long-term life-time value of the customer to be considered.
Sales based on referrals are the easiest to obtain and give best value.
Good relationships give rise to refrrals.