it's the igneous cycle
igneous rock will change into metamorphic, or sedimentary rock
The hydrosphere is the combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of a planet, minor planet, or natural satellite. Although Earth's hydrosphere has been around for about 4 billion years, it continues to change in shape.
Seeking social support
Making a Connection is simply finding similarities, between two or more different people of different understanding. In any relationship, connection is needed to ensure it survival and growth.
Social support simply means information from others that one is loved and cared for, esteemed and valued, and part of a network of communication and mutual obligations.
It can also be said to be the way of interacting in relationships which improves coping, esteem, belonging, and competence through actual or perceived exchanges of physical and psychological resources. Focuses more on communication.
Types of social support include; material support, informational support, motional support and Invisible support. This interaction will give both patners a clrarer view of what they are talking and help them come to a decision or compromise.
The answer is: C. Not to try and fix them all, but also not participate in them
Thoreau just want people to know that evil exist and there we might not be able to eliminate them completely. By knowing this, we can always prepare ourselves to take care of evils when we need but not completely lose our mind over it. Simply by choosing not to participate is often enough because the more people do it, the less evil would exist in this world.