Skin reproduction, which occurs over and over
By providing the numbers in which methane is more powerful than carbon dioxide the author is appealing to the scientific facts to convince people that the greenhouse effect is destroying our planet, and that global warming is a reality that we must counter attack and treat as a priority.
For anyone with this question as a multiple choice question, itś D.
you can find the volume of an irregular object by immersing it in water in a beaker (or other container) with volume marks and see how much the level goes up.
The answer would be A, slash and burn.
The word isotonic is used to refer to the solutions (two solutions) which have the same osmotic pressure in both sides of the semipermiable membrane. The condition allows the free movement of water across the membrane. However, this does not change the concentration of the solution across the membrane.
Hence, osmosis may not occur in this condition.