d.pure monopoly
Monopoly is a term used in economics to refer to a company or business organization that has little or no competition and so is at a better position to exploit the public at will as they are in control of price and at a better bargaining power. There is hardly any need for marketing or promotion under monopoly. This is demonstrated by Turkmen Telecom which has absolute monopoly as they are the only business in that market
Ecological validity
Ecological validity is define as the way in which the findings of a research study are able to be generalized to real life settings.
Owens et al. (2011) manipulating texting while driving conditions (i.e., driving with no texting, driving while texting on a personal phone, driving while texting using an in-vehicle texting system) to see if this influenced visual and steering behaviors of drivers. Participants completed the task by texting the researcher on a closed course. The testing conditions serves as the ecological validity in which the researchers use his finding to generalize it to a real life setting thereby using it to predict the behaviour of the participants in real world settings.
If we look at this, we see that there are 11 ways out of 16 in which we get at least 2 tails.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Lo que yo creo es que el avance de la tecnología en los televisores contribuye parcialmente al consumo responsable de la energía.
Y lo digo porque en realidad no hay una gran impacto en el ahorro del consumo de energía con los nuevos televisores.
En realidad, el consumo de energía debería recaer en la conciencia de las personas que en lugar de ver la televisión por largas horas, pudieran usar ese tiempo para cosas más creativas como leer, investigar, realizar una actividad física por bien de su salud, una actividad cultural por bien de su mente, o alguna otra actividad constructiva que les deje algo positivo. No la televisión que solo busca entretener o manipular.
Greek city-states developed different forms of governance with very different political structures and strengths.
Greek colonization led to the spread of the Greek language and Greek culture, but it also resulted in tensions with the neighboring Persian empire, culminating in the Persian Wars.
Athens developed democratic institutions and a culture of philosophy, science, and culture; it emerged as a powerful state and allied with other city-states, forming the Delian League.
Resistance to Athens’ power among the other Greek city-states, particularly Sparta, prompted the Peloponnesian War.