90 - 100 I believe
An anaerobic exercise is when your heart rate reaches 80 to 90 percent of your maximum. Subtract your current age from 220 to calculate your maximum heart rate.
A bag-mask is a medical device designed to ventilate a patient in respiratory arrest.
It must be on hand in an emergency department of the hospital or an ambulance.
It can be used before or after intubation while waiting for a mechanical respirator.
It can be used in CPR.
The bag-mask is preferably connected to a source of oxygen.
To use it requires 2 hands:
The right-hand holds the ball and exerts pressure with the 4 fingers to push the air (press with the thumb is an error).
The left hand applies the mask to the mouth and the nose, keeping a good seal, then putting the hand on the chest of the victim to check if there is an expansion/shrinkage of the rib cage due to the entry of the air.
D, routine medical checkups are used to catch and prevent health issues.
BMI of less than 18 is considered underweight... However, when considering BMI, you do want to take into consideration muscle mass, height, etc...
Over 35 is obese
I would choose A, because having a BMI less than 35, 30 or 40 wouldn't be a risk factor.