The hygroscopic nature of lichen also does not allow them to survive highly polluted environments. This is because they will also absorb the toxins from the atmosphere into their systems. The toxins will then affect their growth, negatively.
Lichen is one pioneer species in primary succession. They have undefined roots hence do not require soil and can grow on rocks and break them down slowly by chemical weathering (using excreted organic acids). More so lichen does not need to absorb nutrient via roots because the organism is a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae. The algae can use photosynthesis to manufacture food while the fungi complex hyphae that surround the algae can absorb water & nutrients from the air due to their high hygroscopic nature.
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Clotting cascade refers to the series of reactions which take place simultaneously and result in blood clotting. The clotting cascade is a complex set of negative feed back mechanism which is used by the human body to maintain homeostasis. The clotting cascade can be triggered either by intrinsic or extrinsic release of chemical mediators. The reaction occur in this order:
Intrinsic factor < activation of common clotting pathway < platelet lipids are released < prothrombin < fibrinogen < fibrin formation < stabilized fibrin clot.
Two examples of anticoagulant medication that affect the pathway are heparin and warfarin
Pneumocystosis is an infection of the lungs. Its causative organism is the microorganism Pneumocystis carinii. Pneumocystosis is nearly entirely and completely observed in individuals that have a immune systems that have been weakened and diminished by AIDS or chemotherapy. Pneumocystosis is majorly a terminal occurrence in AIDS patients.
The Precambrian eon is separated from the Phanerozoic eon in the fossil record because of the sudden appearance of organisms.
Precambrian eon is the initial existence on earth that can be predicted by the study of rocks and remaining of fossils. It has been seen as the existence of skeleton in this era, before this era no such things has been observed, even the development of sexual reproduction.
The Phanerozoic era comes after the Precambrian era, more advanced kinds of fossils of animals had been observed in this era. Phanerozoic era period of life on earth. Large organisms sudden appearance are seen in the Phanerozoic era i.e. First dinosaurs, mammals, fishes, angiosperms,first vertebrates etc.