Answer: To increase arterial pressure you need to increase the cardiac output
Cardiac output is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart in one minute. It is equal to heart rate multiplied by stroke volume.
Two factors affect the strength of the blood: cardiac output and peripheral resistance. Cardiac output is the volume of blood circulated by the heart. Increasing heart rate also results in increased cardiac output, which increases blood pressure.
We can be healthy by getting in shape and eating good and healthy
Prolong feeling of sadness, loss of interests, angry outbursts, tiredness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, loss of appetite, slowed thinking, feeling of worthlessness, frequent/reoccurring of suicidal thoughts, unexplained physical problems and having a hard time thinking. [These are just a few symptoms]
Complex carbohydrates and lipids both contain a lot of chemical energy and can be used for energy storage. Complex carbohydrates and lipids are both insoluble in water they are not easily transported. Carbohydrates and lipids both burn cleaner than proteins