How members of the lower house of Congress should be elected. -What should be done about the slave trade. -How the power of the executive branch be structured. -How the Constitution should be considered for ratification. -How the states should be represented in national legislature. -the national governments role in issuing paper money. -division of national and state powers. -extent of veto power. -which governmental body should have the power to declare war. -if slaves should be counted in determining representation in national legislature
Hope this helps
- Long working hours.
- Small pay
From the source shown above, the young girls had to work really long hours from 5 am to around 7 pm. Even though they were granted breakfast and lunch hours, this is still a long time to work. Long work hours have been shown to drain a person and lead to fatigue, lack of attentiveness and lower productivity.
The young girls also received little pay for the amount of hours of work they put in. The doffers for instance, were paid $2 a week for being on duty for nearly fourteen hours a day. Assuming this is a 6 day work week, that would translate to less than 3 cents per hour.
These working conditions took such a toll on the young ladies that they were able to argue the case for a reduction in work hours by their presence.
pre-independence America, bail law was based on English law. ... In 1789, the same year that the United States Bill of Rights was introduced, Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789. That law specified which types of crimes were bailable and set bounds on a judge's discretion in setting bail.