<span> False. You are allowed to protest anything you'd like. It's only illegal to actually conspire against or incite others to inspire against the government.</span><span>
d. Both registered voters and licensed drivers
Texas Constitution and United States Constitution guarantee the right to a trial by jury. This offers an average citizen an opportunity to influence over fundamental matters of justice. Jurors need to be fair, impartial and willing to make decisions that are not based on personal feelings.
The process for selecting a prospective jurors is made by a list of potential jurors and people eligible to be on the list are those individuals who are registered to vote or posses a driver's licence from Texas or have a Texas Identification Card. Citizens are randomly selected. Also persons who are eligible to be a juror need to be at least 18 years old, a legal citizen of the US, be able to read and write, not have been convicted in the past.
A. Christian virtue ethic
St. Augustine of Hippo was the first Christian who attempted to create a cohesive moral philosophy compatible with Christian thought. Augustine developed his ethical perspective based on the teachings of Plato. Augustine believed that the human being is a soul, contained by a body which he employs as a means to achieve spiritual ends. He also argued that the highest happiness available to men was that of joining God in Heaven. He also refined the doctrine of the original sin, and thus, of salvation.