After the revolution the colonies owed a lot of money to the countries that helped them during teh war but were jsut developing so there wasnt enough money in the treasury to pay all the soldiers and countries back
Richard Nixon pledged to end the war, and sub subsequently won the election as people were tired of this unpopular war<span />
To prevent monopolies and oligopolies in economies.
Monopolies are organizations that have almost entire control of markets. <em>If I ran a monopolistic oil company in the US, I could in theory control the cost of oil by raising it higher/lower than any competitor and charge lots of households many more had there been competition.</em>
Oligopolies are organizations that work together to cut out competition, with the exception of the corporate ally. <em>If my buddy and I ran an oligopoly on oil, we would have control of the entire market together and control the costs of oil, in theory.</em>
Hope that helps, best of luck!
B)The rate at which changes occur in a type of molecule
They take notes and they read books that are primary secures