Bárbara come la tercera parte de una caja de bombones. Su papá luego compra 7 bombones más y los pone en la caja. ¿Cómo se representa la cantidad de bombones que hay ahora en la caja?
Step-by-step explanation:
A function f(x) has solutions if we can find a value to plug in that leads to 0. In other words, there are solutions to f(x) = 0. Another term for "solution" is "root" or "x intercept"
An exponential function may cross the x axis at one point only. Though there are plenty of cases when there are no solutions at all. For instance, in the case of f(x) = (2^x) + 10
The right hand side will never be equal to zero no matter what you plug in for x. The graph will never cross the axis.
To answer your question, yes it is possible to have an exponential equation to have no solutions.
Step-by-step explanation:
g^2 + 4
I literally do not know how to explain it. I solved this problem with the clues like sum and squared. I looked at where these words were located.
Do each equation individually and compare if they are the same end answer in each question. which ever one is unequal than that is the answer