A control group is going to be something that you don’t “experiment on or change. It is grown or watched under normal conditions. This way you have a medium to say how things are “supposed” to go.
The experimental group is going to be where you “experiment” and change the normal conditions to see what outcome will occur ( under different conditions then normal )
No 2 people in the world are "exactly alike", so the odds would be 0% chance. Twins, might be closer in alike-ness, but they still aren't "exactly alike". Hope this answered your question.
The answer is true idk how to explain its just true sometimes but its super rare
The <u>vesicles</u> pick up whole and partial neurotransmitters from the synaptic gap and bring them into the terminal button, where other structures recycle these neurotransmitters for future use.
Within the presynaptic terminals is where the synthesis of the small-molecule neurotransmitters takes place. A process known as slow axonal transport is responsible for moving enzymes from the neuronal cell body to the cytoplasm of nerve terminals at a rate of 0.5–5 millimetres each day. These enzymes are necessary for the production of transmitters and are produced in the neuronal cell body. Transporter proteins, which are typically located in the plasma membrane of the nerve terminal, are the ones responsible for bringing the precursor chemicals that these synthetic enzymes use into the terminal. Enzymes produce a neurotransmitter pool in the cytoplasm, which must then be loaded into synaptic vesicles using transport proteins in the vesicular membrane. Within the synaptic vesicles, the final synthetic steps of the production of certain small-molecule neurotransmitters are actually carried out.
Learn more about neurotransmitters here :