Due to exchange of gases i.e. normal and abnormal.
The main difference between incomplete and complete ventilation is the occurrence of normal and abnormal exchange of gases. The mechanism in which the exchange of gas happens completely without any difficulty is called complete ventilation. It is the process in which the required amount of oxygen is inhaled or inspired and appropriate amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled out of the body while on the other hand, incomplete ventilation is a mechanism in which exchange of gases is not normal.
carbon dioxide released during decay.
The earth is made up of three different layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. This is the outside layer of the earth and is made of solid rock, mostly basalt and granite. There are two types of crust; oceanic and continental. Oceanic crust is denser and thinner and mainly composed of basalt. The inner core is made from Iron and Nickel.
Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid both protect the brain from physical shock.
Meninges is one of the membranes that engulf the brain .
Cerebrospinal fluid is the fluid that the brain floats in and absorbs shocks. #answerwithquality #BAL