Calculation for dividend yield
Using this formula
Dividend Yield(%) = D / P0
Let plug in the formula
Dividend Yield(%) =$1.79/$46.55
Dividend Yield(%) =0.0384*100
Dividend Yield(%) =3.84%
Therefore the dividend yield will be 3.84%
ok whts the fight abt? how long have yall been fighting?
i gotchu
Look-alike Tasteeos sell for less price than the market-leading Cheerios brand. Cereal manufacturer has employed a cloner marketing strategy.
Cloner marketing strategy refers to creating a product by copying features of an already existing brand product. A manufacturer might copy the same features of distribution, production, labeling, ingredients, advertisement, and looks but the quality will differ from the leading brand.
Cloner is a parasitic marketing strategy that thrives on the investment of the major brand that another firm is copying to sell its products. To escape the copyright issue, these cloner firms make sure the name of the product is slightly different from that of the major brand.
Learn more about marketing strategy here
Negative Impact of globalisation:
Attraction of global market resulted in farmers shifting from traditional or mixed cropping to unsustainable cropping practices. The competition from cheaper imports pushed down the prices of crops like cotton, wheat etc making agriculture unsustainable for many farmers.